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Developmental Evaluation Center

The Developmental Evaluation Center provides comprehensive developmental evaluation of patients with various kinds of functional disabilities.

Medical services

A team of physiatrists, neurologists, developmental pediatricians, clinical psychologists (CP), speech-language-hearing therapists (SLHT), physical therapists (PT), occupational therapists (OT), and other staff provides developmental evaluation for all patients at the NCCHD.

Diagnosis and treatment policy

We use standardized developmental tests and improve the health and welfare of the community by providing appropriate evaluation of development and advice to patients with disabilities and their families.


  • Evaluation of developmental disability
  • Evaluation of cognitive dysfunction
  • Evaluation of motor dysfunction

Target diseases

We conduct developmental evaluations of patients diagnosed with neurological diseases, neuromuscular disease, dysphasia, disuse, hereditary diseases, endocrine disease, and developmental disorders such as pervasive developmental disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and learning disorder. We also evaluate patients in the NICU, recipients of donor tissue or organs, patients with malignant tumors, patients who have undergone orthopedic and plastic surgery, and patients from otorhinolaryngology.

Frequently performed tests

Kyoto Scale of Psychological Development, Japanese Edition DENVER II and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV).

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