代表: 03-3416-0181 / 予約センター(病院): 03-5494-7300

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臨床研究センター データサイエンス部門 ITユニット長


Clinical Research Center, National Center for Child Health and Development aims to create evidence for overcoming diseases in pediatric, perinatal, obstetric, and maternal medicine by promoting clinical research and clinical trials, implementing advanced medical care, and obtaining regulatory approvals for them. Clinical Research Center is now inviting applications for the Chief of IT Unit, Department of Data Science position. We are looking for motivated candidates who can work in this field.



Position open for application


Chief of IT Unit, Department of Data Science


About IT Unit, Department of Data Science


Department of Data Science performs various tasks related to collecting, managing, and utilizing clinical research data, including data collection, management, reliability, analysis, and maintenance of IT infrastructure for clinical research and investigator-initiated clinical trials. IT Unit is in charge of operating and maintaining the IT environment of the EDC system for collecting and managing registry data and providing solutions, such as support for constructing a data utilization infrastructure.


Duties of the Chief of IT Unit

  1. 研究データ基盤の整備・拡張に関する業務
  2. 臨床研究・治験におけるデータ収集・管理支援業務
  3. 臨床研究・治験に関する研究企画・相談・教育に関する業務
  4. ITユニットの管理業務

  1. Operations related to the maintenance and development of research data infrastructure
  2. Support for collecting and managing data of clinical research and clinical trials
  3. Work related to research planning, consultation, and education related to clinical research and clinical trials
  4. Management of IT Unit
Requirements as Chief of IT Unit
  1. 小児医療に関する実務経験が10年以上あること
  2. 医学関連の大学(学士課程)を修了していること
  3. 医療データサイエンスに関する研究活動または業務経験が3年以上あること
  4. EDC等のITシステムの運用・管理に関する実務経験を有すること
  5. 小児周産期分野、女性の健康分野、または希少疾病分野等の研究事業等に関与した経験があること
  6. 小児周産期分野、女性の健康分野、及び希少疾病分野の臨床研究活性化および後進の教育に熱意をもって取り組むことができること

  1. At least 10 years of work experience in pediatric medicine
  2. Completion of a medical university (bachelor's program)
  3. At least 3 years of research or work experience in medical data science
  4. Practical experience in the operation and management of IT systems such as EDC
  5. Experience in research projects in the fields of pediatric perinatal, women's health, or rare diseases
  6. Ability to work with enthusiasm to revitalize clinical research and educate future generations in the fields of pediatric perinatology, women's health, and rare diseases

Scheduled date of employment


After September 1, 2024 (negotiable)


Documents to Submit

  1. 履歴書(写真貼付、様式自由)
  2. 職務経歴書(様式自由)
  3. 業務への抱負(1000字以内、様式自由)
  1. C.V. (with photo, free format)
  2. Work history (free format)
  3. Future plans as the Chief of IT Unit (500 words or less, free format)

Deadline for the application

令和6年7月31日(水) 必着
Applications must be received by July 31, 2024


Salary and benefits

  • 給与:職員給与規程による
  • 賞与:職員給与規程による
  • 昇給:無
  • 勤務日:4週8休、月~金(国民の祝日は除く)など
  • 勤務時間:1週間あたりの勤務時間 38時間45分、830分~1715分(休憩1時間)など
  • 保険:厚生労働省第二共済組合
  • 手当:地域手当、通勤手当など
  • 休暇等:年次休暇、産前産後休暇、育児休暇など
  • その他:当センター規程による


Salary will be determined according to the NCCHD's regulations for scientific personnel, taking into consideration the candidate's experience and achievements. The successful candidate will be enrolled in social insurance and will be entitled to a variety of benefits, including an annual paid leave.


Application Submission

157-8535 東京都世田谷区大蔵2-10-1

国立成育医療研究センター人事部人事課長 宛

Tel:03-3416-0181  Fax03-3416-2222


注:書類送付の封筒には書類送付の封筒には『データサイエンス部門ITユニット長(任期付き常勤職員) 公募書類在中』と朱書きして、簡易書留にてお送りください。

Please submit your application documents by postal mail or email to the following address:

Department of Human Resources, National Centre for Child Health and Development

Tel:03-3416-0181 Fax:03-3416-2222


Please write "Enclosed inside are the required documents for Chief of IT Unit, Department of Data Science" in red on the document envelope

Selection process

  1. Document screening
  2. Interview (including presentation of research achievements)
  3. Final decision by the selection committee

Additional information


Note: Applications will be handled with strict confidentiality. Personal information will be used only for selection and will be managed appropriately. Please note that if you are employed, you will be asked to undergo a medical examination, including an antibody titer test, at your own expense before starting work.
