代表: 03-3416-0181 / 予約センター(病院): 03-5494-7300

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  • > 採用・募集
  • > オープンイノベーションセンター準備室(仮称)室長(5年任期付き・再任あり) Chief of the Open Innovation Center Preparation Office (5-year term with possibility of reappointment)

オープンイノベーションセンター準備室(仮称)室長(5年任期付き・再任あり) Chief of the Open Innovation Center Preparation Office (5-year term with possibility of reappointment)



The National Center for Child Health and Development (NCCHD) will establish the Women's Health National Center (tentative name) in 2024. As part of this initiative, we aim to strengthen industry-academia-government-private sector collaboration and promote clinical research by establishing the Open Innovation Center (tentative name). Therefore, we are opening a new position for the Chief of the Open Innovation Center Preparation Office. The Chief is expected to have a comprehensive understanding of women's health and the issues surrounding it and to promote innovative research and development in the fields of women's health and gender medicine. This role involves building and implementing a research and development support system that targets concrete solutions to women's health issues.
We welcome applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds who are strongly motivated to contribute to innovative approaches in solving women's health issues.


Position open for application

オープンイノベーションセンター準備室(仮称) 室長(5年任期付き・再任あり)

Chief of the Open Innovation Center Preparation Office (tentative name) (5-year term, renewable)



・ オープンイノベーションセンター準備室の統括
・ 産学官民連携の推進
・ 臨床研究の企画および実施の支援
・ スタートアップやベンチャー企業との連携強化
・ グローバルを視野に入れた研究開発支援
・ 新しい研究プロジェクトの企画および調整
・ 予算管理および資金調達の推進
・ 女性の健康ナショナルセンター(仮称)のビジョンおよびミッションの達成に向けた戦略的計画の策定および実施

•Overseeing the Open Innovation Center Preparation Office, including coordinating with external contractors for the center's establishment.
•Promoting industry-academia-government-private sector collaboration.
•Supporting the planning and implementation of clinical research.
•Strengthening collaboration with startups and venture companies.
•Support for research and development with a global perspective.
•Strategic planning and coordination of innovative research projects.
•Managing budgets and promoting fundraising activities.
•Formulating and implementing strategic plans to achieve the center's vision and mission.



・ 修士号以上の学位を有すること(医学、薬学、生命科学、または経営学、経済学など。女性の健康およびその周辺分野が望ましい)
・ 医療、バイオテクノロジー、または関連する分野での10年以上の研究およびマネジメント経験
・ 女性の健康課題解決や性差医学に強い関心を持つこと
・ 十分なリーダーシップスキル、マネジメントスキル、およびコミュニケーションスキルを有し、女性の健康ナショナルセンター(仮称)の発展に意欲を持って貢献できること
・ 日本語および英語でのコミュニケーション能力

・ 産学官民連携における経験および実績
・ スタートアップやベンチャー企業との連携経験
・ 人材育成に関する経験
・ グローバルな視点での医療機器や薬剤開発に関する経験
・ 臨床研究の企画および実施経験

  • Qualifications:
    Candidates must meet the following criteria:
    •Possess a master's degree or higher (fields such as medicine, pharmacy, life sciences, or business administration/economics related to women's health are preferred).
    •Have over 10 years of research and management experience in healthcare, biotechnology, or related fields.
    •Demonstrate a strong interest in solving women's health issues and gender medicine.
    •Possess excellent leadership, management, and communication skills and a strong commitment to contributing to the development of the Women's Health National Center (tentative name).
    •Have proficiency in both Japanese and English.
  • Preferred Qualifications:
    Experience or achievements in the following areas are highly desirable:
    •Experience and achievements in industry-academia-government-private sector collaboration.
    •Experience in collaborating with startups and venture companies.
    •Experience in personnel development.
    •Experience in the global development of medical devices and pharmaceuticals.
    •Experience in planning and implementing clinical research.
Scheduled date of employment


October 1, 2024 (negotiable)

Term of appointment


September 30, 2029

Documents to Submit

3.代表的論文 5本以内 (別刷またはコピー)

  1. 1. Resume (with attached photo, format is free) Please include your contact phone number and email address.
    2. List of Achievements
    Please compile original articles (limited to those with peer review), reviews, authored books, and other works separately in English and Japanese. For conference presentations, list special lectures, symposiums, workshops, etc., for both domestic and international conferences. General oral presentations are not required. Please also include information on research funding acquisition.
    3. Up to 5 Representative Papers (separate printout or copy)
    4. Summary of Research to Date and Aspirations as Chief of the Open Innovation Center Preparation Office (approximately 2000 characters each).
    5. Copy of Medical License (if applicable)
    6. Copy of Academic Degrees (documents showing possession of a doctoral degree, preferably in fields such as medicine, pharmacy, life sciences, or business administration/economics related to women's health.
    7. Letter of Recommendation (1 letter addressed to the Director-General, format is free)
Salary and benefits

・勤務時間:1週間あたりの勤務時間 38時間45分、8時30分~17時15分(休憩1時間)など(フレックスタイム制あり)

Salary and benefits
Salary will be determined according to the NCCHD's regulations for scientific personnel, taking into consideration the candidate's experience and achievements. The successful candidate will be enrolled in social insurance and will be entitled to a variety of benefits, including an annual paid leave.

Deadline for the application

令和6年8月30日(金) 必着

Applications must be received by August 30, 2024.

Application Submission

〒157-8535 東京都世田谷区大蔵2-10-1
 国立成育医療研究センター人事部人事課長 宛
 Tel:03-3416-0181  Fax:03-3416-2222


Human Resources Department, National Center for Child Health and Development, 2-10-1, Okura, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-8535, Japan
 National Center for Child Health and Development
 Tel: 03-3416-0181 Fax: 03-3416-2222
 (E-mail address: seiiku-saiyo@ncchd.go.jp)
Note: Please write " Chief of the Open Innovation Center Preparation Office (tentative name)" in red on the envelope for sending documents, and send by registered mail. Successful applicants will be asked to make a presentation and answer questions from the selection committee members.

Selection process
1. Document screening

2. Interview (including presentation of research achievements)
3. Final decision by the selection committee
Additional information


Note: Applications will be handled with strict confidentiality. Personal information will be used only for selection and will be managed appropriately. Please note that if you are employed, you will be asked to undergo a medical examination, including an antibody titer test, at your own expense before starting work.
