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・小児患者や保護者のQuality of lifeを測定するための尺度開発関する研究
・医療技術評価機関の国際機関であるINAHTA(the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment)、HTAsiaLink、 EuroQOLとの国際共同研究



竹原 健二(部長)


越智 真奈美(室長)


須藤 茉衣子
田中 素子
丸山 菜穂子
矢竹 暖子
山本 依志子


新村 美知(研究補助員)
木内 翔太(共同研究員)
松山 春佳(共同研究員)
持田 敬司(共同研究員)


小河 邦雄
片岡 智恵美
鈴木 博道
芹澤 優子
山﨑 むつみ
渡邉 正彦


星野 絵里(室長)


青木 藍
今井 健二郎
上畑 ひなた
奥村 貴帆
キタ 幸子
北村 光司
堺 琴美
宍戸 恵理
杉山 雄大
諏訪 敏幸
田中 敏之
豊本 莉恵
永田 知映
西田 俊彦
橋本 直也
福澤 利江子
古野 考志
Balogun Olukunmi

2024 業績


  1. Aoyama Y, Hoshino E , Shimomura A, Shimizu C, Taniyama T, Tada M, Yoshida N, Sato H, Nonogaki K, Yamamoto K, Yamanaka T, Kizawa R, Yamaguchi T, Tanaka K, Kobayashi Y, Tamura N, Tanabe Y, Miura Y, Kikawa Y, Cho J, Kawabata H. Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Chemotherapy-induced Alopecia Distress Scale. Breast Cancer. 2024;31(2):234-242.
  2. Kaneyasu T, Hoshino E , Naito M, Suzukamo Y, Miyazaki K, Kojima S, Yamaguchi T, Kawaguchi T, Miyaji T, Nakajima TE, Shimozuma K. How to select and understand guidelines for patient-reported outcomes: a scoping review of existing guidance. BMC Health Serv Res. 2024;24(1):334.
  3. Nagata C , Suto M , Morisaki N, Kobayashi T, Takehara K . Annual numbers of diagnoses and medical expenses for obstetric diseases in Japan: A report from the National Database of Health Insurance Claims. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2024;50(4):596-603.
  4. Shiroiwa T, Murata T, Morii Y, Hoshino E , Fukuda T. Comparison of four value sets derived using different TTO and DCE approaches: application to the new region-specific PBM, AP-7D. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2024;22(1):16.
  5. Suto M , Iba A, Sugiyama T, Kodama T, Takegami M, Taguchi R, Niino M, Koizumi R, Kashiwagi K, Imai K, Ihana-Sugiyama N, Ichinose Y, Takehara K , Iso H. Literature Review of Studies Using the National Database of the Health Insurance Claims of Japan (NDB): Limitations and Strategies in Using the NDB for Research. Jma j. 2024;7(1):10-20.
  6. Suto M , Takehara K , Morisaki N, Moriichi A, Gai R , Mori R. Disease Trends in Children and Adolescents in Japan: A Retrospective Observational Study Using the Nationwide Claims Data for 2012-2016. Children (Basel). 2024; 11(1):81.
  7. Takeshita M, Toyomoto R, Marui K, Ito M, Eto H, Takehara K , Matsui M. Cardiotocography use for fetal assessment during labor in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2024;166(2):580-595.
  8. Utsumi S, Maiko S , Moriwaki T, Miyake H, Yuhei S, Kubota S, Uematsu S, Takehara K , Kubota M. Benefits to Clinicians of Nonpharmacological Distraction During Pediatric Medical Procedure. Hosp Pediatr. 2024;14(2):e123-e131.
  9. Aoyama Y, Hoshino E , Shimomura A, Shimizu C, Taniyama T, Tada M, Yoshida N, Sato H, Nonogaki K, Yamamoto K, Yamanaka T, Kizawa R, Yamaguchi T, Tanaka K, Kobayashi Y, Tamura N, Tanabe Y, Miura Y, Kikawa Y, Cho J, Kawabata H. Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Chemotherapy-induced Alopecia Distress Scale. Breast Cancer. 2024;31(2):234-242.
  10. Fukui K, Suto M , Kaneko K, Isayama T, Ito Y, Takehara K . Pre-pregnancy body mass index and low birthweight: Secondary data analysis using health insurance claims data in Japan. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2024;50(8):1295-1301.
  11. Kaneko K, Suto M , Miyagawa E, Mikami M, Nakamura Y, Murashima A, Takehara K . Preconception underweight impact on postnatal osteoporotic fracture: a retrospective cohort study using Japanese claims data. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2024;24(1):315.
  12. Kawahara T, Isumi A, Ochi M, Doi SK, Surkan PJ, Fujiwara T. Association between maternal dissatisfaction with oneself at birth and shaking and smothering toward the offspring up to 18 months old. Child Abuse Negl. 2024;153:106816.
  13. Koyama Y, Nawa N, Ochi M , Surkan PJ, Fujiwara T. Joint Roles of Oxytocin- and Dopamine-Related Genes and Childhood Parenting Experience in Maternal Supportive Social Network. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2024;55(3):614-621.
  14. Nagayoshi M, Kachi Y, Kato T, Ochi M , Ichinose Y, Kondo T, Takehara K . Paternal involvement in childcare and housework and mothers' spanking behavior: The Japanese longitudinal survey of newborns in the 21st century. J Epidemiol. 2024;34(12):577-586.
  15. Yamaoka Y, Ochi M , Fukui M, Isumi A, Doi S, Fujiwara T, Nawa N. Home visitors' needs and perceptions of the benefits of a home visiting program for childcare support in Japan: A qualitative study of home visitors. Child Abuse Negl. 2024;153:106853.
  16. Konomura K, Numakura C, Nakamura-Utsunomiya A, Hoshino E , Tajima G, Kobayashi H, et al. Health-related quality of life and caregiver burden of pediatric patients with inborn errors of metabolism in Japan using EQ-5D-Y, PedsQL, and J-ZBI. Qual Life Res. 2024;33(12):3323-3333.
  17. Ochi M , Kato T, Kachi Y, Dhungel B , Nagayoshi M , Ichinose Y, Kenji Takehara , et al. Japanese fathers' work-related factors associated with involvement in childcare. J Occup Health. 2024;66(1):uiae036.
  18. Sakai K , Hayashi K, Hoshino E , Nakayama E, Iijima K, Tanaka T, et al. Association of oral hypofunction with aspiration pneumonia, fractures, and mortality in older Japanese adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2024;24(10):1053-1059.
  19. Takeshita M, Toyomoto R, Marui K, Ito M, Eto H, Takehara K , et al. Cardiotocography use for fetal assessment during labor in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2024;166(2):580-95.
  20. Yamaoka Y, Ochi M , Fukui M, Isumi A, Doi S, Fujiwara T, et al. Home visitors' needs and perceptions of the benefits of a home visiting program for childcare support in Japan: A qualitative study of home visitors. Child Abuse Negl. 2024;153:106853.
  21. Koyama Y, Nawa N, Ochi M , Surkan PJ, Fujiwara T. Epistatic interactions between oxytocin- and dopamine-  related genes and trust. PLoS One. 2024;19(9):e0308728.
  22. Maruyama N , Horiuchi S. Views from midwives and perinatal nurses on barriers and facilitators in responding    to perinatal intimate partner violence in Japan: baseline interview before intervention. BMC Health Serv Res. 2024;24(1):1234.
  23. Sakai K , Niimi M, Momosaki R, Hoshino E , Yoneoka D, Nakayama E, et al. Nutritional therapy for reducing  disability and improving activities of daily living in people after stroke. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2024;8(8):Cd014852.
  24. Tokushima K, Jimbo K, Suzuki M, Endo Y, Hibio M, Maruyama K, Kashiwagi K, Arai N, Sato M, Kudo T, Hoshino E, Ohtsuka Y, Shimizu. Differentiation of Active Ulcerative Colitis vs Noninflammatory Bowel Disease Proctitis by Transperineal Superb Microvascular Imaging. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2024;30(7):1103-11.
  25. Koyama Y, Nawa N, Ochi M, Surkan PJ, Fujiwara T. Epistatic interactions between oxytocin- and dopamine-related genes and trust. PLoS One. 2024;19(9):e0308728.
  26. Maruyama N, Horiuchi S. Views from midwives and perinatal nurses on barriers and facilitators in responding to perinatal intimate partner violence in Japan: baseline interview before intervention. BMC Health Serv Res. 2024;24(1):1234.
  27. Sakai K, Niimi M, Momosaki R, Hoshino E, Yoneoka D, Nakayama E, et al. Nutritional therapy for reducing disability and improving activities of daily living in people after stroke. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2024;8(8):Cd014852.
  28. Tamon H, Suto M, Yoshitsugu H, Maruyama N, Ogawa K, Takehara K, et al. Interventions for expectant and new parents designed to prevent child abuse and neglect in at-risk families: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Child Abuse Negl. 2024;160:107154.


  1. 高木悦子, 小崎恭弘, 阿川勇太, 竹原健二. 全国地方自治体で実施されている父親を主な対象とするポピュレーションアプローチ事業の実施状況調査結果報告. 日本公衆衛生雑誌. 2023;70(8):483-94.
  2. 竹原健二. 【How to Follow-up-ハイリスク児フォローアップの必修知識2023】家族支援 父親の産後うつと父親支援. 周産期医学. 2023;53(4):485-7.
  3. 児玉知子, 大澤絵里, 福田英輝, 湯川慶子, 小祝望, 佐々木由理, 越智真奈美. 【withコロナ時代の持続可能なエイズ対策-新規感染ゼロへの挑戦-】エイズ対策に携わる公衆衛生・地域保健人材の育成 持続可能な対策の整備にむけて. 保健医療科学. 2023;72(2):128-33.
  4. 山本依志子, 森崎菜穂. 【数値からみる周産期医療 産科編】周産期の指標. 周産期医学. 2023;53(8):1143-1149.
